Hello Everyone! Long time no see...
What a great year for horse lovers! I don't know about you but I'm loving this weather. Last year, I wasn't able to ride from November to April. It was snow, wet, rain, snow, snow, snow, rain, wet.. BLEH BLEH BLEH! But this year is so much different, I have been riding almost every week. And.. Wait for it... Tomorrow I am going trail riding. My barn has barely any place to trail ride so we don't trail ride. I have never been trail riding except for with 4h which was with another barn's horse. But, today I am going to be talking about stuff to do this winter. For alot of people, it is probably at least cold and maybe the ground is frozen..
Here is some tips:
*Tip #1* Wear many layers.. You don't need any fancy smancy $100 ariat 3 layer jacket.
For super cold weather:
Under Armour Long Sleeve Shirt
Some type of hat/beanie
Long sleeve shirt
Fleece jacket
Big rain coat/winter coat
Winter Boots/Or regular boots with the feet/hand warmer things and two pairs of socks
Winter Gloves *they are cheap and worth it*
Winter Breeches or Jeans/Or, put on thick leggings and thick breeches/jeans
For Cold Weather:
Short Sleeve Under Armour Shirt
Hat or Ear Warmer
Fleece Jacket/Vest
Thin Rain Coat material type of coat
Boots with two pairs of socks
Winter Gloves/Regular Gloves *depends on how you're preference*
For Cool Weather:
Long Sleeve Under Armour Shit
Fleece Vest
Sweatshirt (If needed)
*Tip #2* BLANKETS!! BLANKETS!! BLANKETS!! Have 2 or more blankets!
Have AT LEAST one "lightweight" blanket and one "heavyweight" blanket.
You never know what the weather will be like. If it is medium weather outside but too cold to not have a blanket at all, you still want your horse to go outside/not freeze so that is when a "lightweight" blanket comes in. When it is super super cold and windy then the "heavyweight" blanket comes in. You don't have to get any fancy customized or rainbow or fancy smancy blanket.. just a nice protective blanket. Make sure the blanket fits good.
*Tip #3* Exercising your horse can be hard in the winter but still needed. Sometimes it is snowing or freezing but you have to drag your freezing butt out to the barn. Put on your layers and get out their! Have some fun and ride bareback. It is cold to drag the saddle and stuff. Just go grab your horse and ride around bareback--you don't even have to take the blanket off. Or, lunge your horse. Maybe even work on your ground work. Teach your horse to back up by saying "back up" with no pressure on the lead. Or maybe teach your horse to bow. The possibilities are endless but your horse NEED exercise so it IS NOT something you can skip!
Bye for now,
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